Art and design stimulate creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences, and a special way of understanding and responding to the world. It enables children to communicate what they see, feel and think, through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes without the pressures of the written or spoken word. Children become involved in shaping their environments through art and design activities. Participating in a range of art forms helps children become creative, responsive, critical and appreciative. They discover the value of focus, discipline and practice and the importance of working collaboratively. Working as artists themselves and responding to the work of other artists helps them to develop an appreciation of aesthetics, and enables insights into different viewpoints, identities and cultures.
Our curriculum is based on good quality resources. Art plays an important role across the whole school curriculum. It is principally cross-curricular and every subject uses it for visual imagery. The children benefit greatly from the visual and tactile approaches in art-related activities. The skills and knowledge developed through art are interlaced across planning and teaching to support learning in the whole curriculum.
Children will learn about how the arts are created and enjoyed today, how they have changed over time, and the contribution they make to our lives and culture. How the arts are used and valued indifferent cultures and traditions should be explored. Children will learn how to combine art forms imaginatively and in complementary and enhancing ways. They will exhibit for a range of audiences, and work with artists in and beyond the classroom. They will be introduced to the appropriate language of the arts.
Artwork is celebrated all around the school, in classroom and corridor displays, as well as in the hall. Exhibitions of children’s work take place during Art week. The curriculum and its impact is monitored through constructive scrutiny of termly data, planning, monitoring of books and displays, lesson learning walks, discussions with teaching staff and parents and pupil voice.
Below are some images from previous Art Exhibitions.