



We believe that effective teaching is the basis for quality learning, leading to high standards of pupil achievement. We have agreed criteria by which we can evaluate our own teaching, and which form the basis and framework of our practice. We shall endeavour to work within this agreed policy framework, supported by systematic monitoring from Subject Leaders and the Senior Management Team, with the agreed aim of raising standards for all our pupils.



We believe that worthwhile learning approaches have features in common for pupils of all ages, and that from the earliest age children should feel secure, be interested in what they are doing, engage in practical activities through first-hand experience, and be able to consolidate learning through practice, talk and reflection.

  • We aim to provide a safe, stable and happy environment in which children's learning will flourish at Carlton Vale Infants, based on an understanding that children learn most effectively when:
  • There is an emotionally supportive learning environment
  • Their physiological, social, emotional and spiritual needs are catered for
  • The children learn most effectively who attend daily.
  • There is variety in the organisational structure of the learning environment which allows them to work individually, in pairs and in groups as appropriate
  • They feel a sense of happiness, security, motivation and stimulation. They feel valued as individuals in the family ethos of the school.
  • They have an opportunity to learn through first-hand experience; investigating, exploring, experimenting, questioning, collaborating and listening, supported by positive reinforcement.
  • Relationships are based on caring and mutual respect
  • A close home-school relationship exists
  • The learning environment is attractive, stimulating and positive. It is easily accessible through clear organisation and labelling of learning materials and effective storage.
  • Teachers plan, record, assess, moderate and evaluate every child’s learning progress. Individual children and their peers learn to assess their own performance.
  • There is continuity and progression
  • Lessons have clear aims and purposes, the learning task is matched to their ability and there is provision for challenge, repetition and extension.
  • Standards of teaching are closely monitored
  • They use modern technology as an appropriate aid to learning.

We believe that the quality of pupils' learning can be judged in terms of the progress made in knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes:

Knowledge and Understanding: This will be evidenced by the standard of work achieved, given the pupils' age and ability, and its relationship to national norms. Evidence will come in a wide range of forms, and the teachers' professional judgement will play a major part. (See also Planning, Assessment, Recording and Reporting policy).

Learning Skills: These will relate to particular curriculum areas and include observation and information seeking skills, looking for patterns and deeper understanding, communicating information and ideas in a variety of ways, posing questions and solving problems, applying what has been learned to unfamiliar situations and evaluating work done.

Attitudes: These will include motivation, sustained interest, the ability to concentrate, co-operate and work productively, versatility, regard for accuracy, and the ability to take some responsibility for their own learning.

At Carlton Vale we use a range of Schemes of Work to support our rich curriculum:

CVI Core Texts (Literacy)

Collins Song of Sounds (Phonics)


Numicon (Maths)


White Rose Mastery (Maths)


National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM)


Collins Snap Science

Brent Syllabus for Religious Education


Sing Up



Val Sabin Gymnastics and PE

Brent Scheme of Work for PSHE, Citizenship and SEAL linked to Unicef

Chris Quigley-Key skills.


PSHE Jigsaw

Our school day:

8.30 am class doors open.

Children arrive at school between 8.30 / 8.40 am.

Class doors close at 8.50 am.

If you arrive after 8.50 am please go to the office.

Lunchtime is between 12 and 1 o'clock.

Children have access to outdoor learning all day.

The playground is timetabled for classes to complete their Mile in the Morning run.

Different Year groups use different areas of the playground at lunchtime.

2.55 pm is the end of the school day.