Religious Education
At Carlton Vale, we follow the Brent Syllabus for R.E.
The aim of religious education is to learn about and from spiritual insights, beliefs and religious practices and to explore fundamental questions of human life.
This will include helping children and young people to:
- Understand and respect different theistic and non-theistic religious traditions as well as other ethical traditions (such as Humanism) by exploring issues within and between them.
- Develop knowledge and understanding of beliefs, values, traditions and religious institutions and their influence on the life of the believer and on communities and societies.
- Look for and learn from the wisdom contained in the stories, sayings and customs of religious and ethical traditions.
- Understand how meaning is conveyed through religious texts, ritual, symbolism, and the arts.
- Recognise the integrity of truth claims, value the search for truth and manage conflicts which may arise from differing views.
- Develop the ability to make reasoned and informed choices concerning belief and behaviour Enhance and reflect on their own spiritual, moral, emotional and cultural development.
- Develop a positive self-image through reflecting on their own beliefs and home traditions while respecting the right of others to hold beliefs different to theirs.
The religious and ethical traditions to be studied at each key stage are specified in the breadth of study. Two prescribed units must be taught at the Foundation Stage and five at Key Stage 1.
The programmes of study and the individual units provide links with the Citizenship curriculum. There is considerable overlap between the skills and attitudes of religious education and those of Citizenship.